
The Divine Comforter: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit is unavailable, but you can change that!

“…he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.” —John 14:16 Personal, intimate fellowship between the believer and the Spirit is essential for spiritual growth. God's purpose in redemption is to bring believers into fellowship with Himself. He has therefore given the believer a mind to know Him, a heart to love Him, and a Person to commune with him—the person of the...

attributes of God the Father and God the Son. Since God the Father and God the Son are omniscient, that is, all-wise, the Spirit is no less omnipresent. Since God the Father and God the son are omnipresent, that is, everywhere present, the Holy Sprit was no less present in the Old Testament that the Father and the Son, When our Lord, in John 14:17, said, “he dwelleth with you,” He was not referring only to the omnipresence of the Holy Spirit; that is, that the Holy Spirit is everywhere present and
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